Get Ready to Facepalm: Top 11 Best-Selling Products with Unexpected Proper Uses

3. Jelly

First is the best place to buy. Sweetheart, Amazon Cost of Product on Average: $10–$20* It's true that honey is more than just a tasty topping for bread and pastries. Honey is an excellent wound dressing that can promote and expedite healing due to its numerous antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant qualities.

@spoonuniversity/Pinterest: Honey for Cuts Studies have demonstrated that medical-grade honey can benefit those with "chronic" and "non-healing" wounds as well, according to Healthline. Honey contains active ingredients that can speed up the healing process of a terrible cut. These include enzymes, phenolic acid, flavonoids, vitamins, and organic acids. Just so you know, never use honey medicinally without first consulting your physician.