Jaw-Dropping: The Most Expensive Bridge Projects in the World

4. Ohashi Eshima

Situated in Japan Founded in 2004 Expense: $100–200 million * On Eshima Ohashi, construction started in 1997 and finished in 2004. This rigid-frame bridge connects Matsue in Shimane Prefecture with Sakaiminato in Tottori Prefecture by spanning the Nakaumi Lake in Japan. The reason Eshima Ohashi has been so frequently shared online is that photographs of the bridge appear to be extremely steep from a distance.

Ohashi Eshima, ©Shutterstock/AAGATAFOTO The steepness of the roadway is intended to facilitate the easier passage of larger ships beneath it. The bridge is a remarkable optical illusion, though, with just a 6.1% gradient on one side and an even less steep 5.1% gradient on the other. Eshima Ohashi is 147 feet high and 1.06 miles long. It was expensive.