Regrettable DIY Projects That Drained Time and Money

2. Denim Basket

Cost Estimate (New): $20* Cost Estimate (DIY): $0* (A 5-yard bolt costs $44.95 if old fabric is being reused.) Denim was created in 1873 by a Nevadan tailor as a sturdy workcloth for day laborers, and the do-it-yourself community has never stopped using it. Once more, the largest culprits for the surge in absurd denim inventions, like this basket produced by someone weaving several colored strands together, are Pinterest users.

Pinterest, @Neatorama, and Denim Basket While the basket and the fruits it holds seem lovely, one individual discovered that the cloth wasn't quite as rigid as they needed to weave it into a basket. The denim basket of the attempted replica resembled the Leaning Tower of Pisa more than the original's town and country style.